Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 01.02.2024

Details according to § 5 TMG

Roman Koch
Martin-Opitz-Str 14
13357 Berlin

Represented by:
Roman Koch

Phone: +49 160 -93839142
E-Mail: info@theromankoch.de

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Roman Koch
Martin-Opitz-Str 14
13357 Berlin

Welcome to Share QR Card. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your data in an open and transparent manner. This privacy policy outlines how we handle the data collected by our app.

1. Data Collection and Privacy
1.1 Data Collection and Usage
Share QR Card does not collect any personal or anonymous information from its users. Our app is designed to store data only locally on your device. The information stored is limited to the data that you actively enter into the app. We do not have access to this data, nor do we store it on any servers or cloud services. As a result, the data you enter in the app remains under your control at all times.

1.2 Data Transfer
Our app does not transfer, share, or upload any data to external servers or cloud services. Your data is not shared with any third parties and is not used for any marketing or advertising purposes.

1.3 Data Removal
When you decide to remove or uninstall Share QR Card from your device, all data stored by the app will be permanently deleted from your device. This ensures that your data is not retained by the app after you have chosen to delete it.

1.4 Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page and updating the "last updated" date at the top of this policy.

2. Consumer Rights Information for Share QR Card
2.1 App Availability and Pricing
Currently, Share QR Card is available for free.
We reserve the right to introduce charges for the app or certain features in the future. Any such changes will be communicated in advance.

2.2 Continuous Development
Share QR Card is continuously under development, which means features may be added, removed, or modified over time.
We strive to improve your experience and will endeavor to keep you informed about significant changes to the app's functionality.

2.3 Compatibility and Performance
Share QR Card is designed to work on a broad range of devices. However, we do not guarantee that the app will be compatible with all devices or operating systems. Given the varying nature of hardware and software environments, it may not be possible to ensure the app’s optimal functionality on every device.

2.4 No Warranty
The app is provided 'as is' without any express or implied warranties. We do not guarantee that the app will always function as intended or be error-free. We recommend regularly updating the app to the latest version for optimal performance.

2.5 Future Monetization Plans
To support the ongoing development and maintenance of Share QR Card, we may introduce advertisements or in-app purchases in the future.
Any significant changes to the app's monetization strategy will be announced in a timely manner.

2.6 Your Feedback
We value your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback or concerns about your experience with Share QR Card.

3. App Updates and Maintenance
3.1 Regular Updates for Enhanced Experience:
At Share QR Card, we are committed to continually improving your experience. To ensure the highest level of security, compliance, and functionality, we regularly update our app. These updates are crucial for maintaining optimal performance and introducing new features, as well as addressing any known issues.

3.2 Introducing New Features:
We strive to make Share QR Card more user-friendly and feature-rich. Regular updates allow us to introduce new and exciting features that enhance your app experience.

3.3 Addressing Bugs and Improving Functionality:
We are constantly working to identify and fix bugs that may affect the app’s performance. Updates ensure any known issues are promptly addressed, improving the reliability and functionality of Share QR Card.

3.4 Update Notifications:
You will be notified of available updates through the app store or directly within the app. For the best experience, we recommend keeping Share QR Card up to date with the latest version.

4. Third-Party Content and Services

In Share QR Card, we utilize various third-party services and content to enhance your experience and provide robust functionality. We are committed to complying with the terms and conditions of these third-party services, particularly in regards to data handling and user privacy.

a. Flutter Framework and Packages:
Our app is developed using the Flutter framework, including standard framework elements and various packages to ensure seamless functionality. Some of the key packages we use include:
- Hive (for local storage)
- QR Flutter (for QR code generation)
- Provider (for state management)
- Fluttertoast,
- URL Launcher,
- Image Picker, and more.
We adhere to the terms and conditions of these packages and the Flutter framework.

b. Sounds and Music:
Our app features sounds and music to enrich your user experience.
The sounds in our app are licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.de) and were created by Dominik Braun, available at Dominik Braun's Retro Sounds(https://dominik-braun.net/retro-sounds/). We extend our thanks to Dominik Braun for these wonderful sounds.
The background music is credited to FesliyanStudios(https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/). We are grateful for their contribution to our app.

c. Icons:
The icons used in our app are "designed by UIcons from Flaticon." You can find more of their designs on their Flaticon page(https://www.flaticon.com/).

d. Code Contributions:
Portions of our app's code were developed with the assistance of OpenAI's GPT. We acknowledge and thank GPT for its role in supporting our development process.

Please note that while we endeavor to ensure compliance with all third-party terms and conditions, the third-party providers retain ownership of their content and services. Your use of our app acknowledges that Share QR Card is not responsible for the functionality or content of these third-party services.

5. Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding your rights as a consumer, please contact us at info@theromankoch.de.

6. Disclaimer:
The contents of our pages have been created with utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the contents' accuracy, completeness, or topicality.
Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the app lies entirely with the authors.